One Word Substitution

One Word Substitution for PSC Exam
1. The original inhabitants of a place - Aborigines

2. A partner in crime - Accomplice

3. A word formed out of the first letters of a few words - Acronym

4. A person who wants no formal or official organization to society - Anarchist

5. A person who avoids physical pleasures and leads a simple life -Ascetic

6. Something that involves seeing and hearing - Audio-visual

7. A list of matters to be discussed at a fleeting - Agenda

8. The story of one's own life - Autobiography

9. Someone who believes it is impossible to know whether a god exists – Agnostic

10. Fear of open spaces, going outside, or distance from a place of safety - Agoraphobia

11. A military or naval officer who helps an officer of higher rank - Aide-de-camp (ADC)

12. Proof that someone else was at another place when the crime alleged to have been committed by that person - Alibi

13. General pardon by the Government to all political offenders - Amnesty

14. That which does not hear the name of the writer - Anonymous

15. Medicine given to counter poison or disease - Antidote

16. A word opposite in meaning of another - Antonym

17. A written declaration made on oath in the presence of a magistrate - Affidavit

18. Disbelief in the existence of God - Atheism

19. Government by one man - Autocracy

20. To do away with a rule - Abrogate

21. A short clever saying intended to express a general truth - Aphorism

22. To understand completely or to absorb food fully - Assimilate

23. To turn friends into enemies - Alienate

24. Government by the nobility - Aristocracy

25. The right of self-government - Autonomy

26. The science of the structure of the human body - Anatomy

27. A collection of poems or prose pieces - Anthology

28. The study of mankind - Anthropology

29. A substance that destroys germs - Antiseptic

30. A medicine, which produces insensitivity - Anaesthetic

31. One who studies things of the past - Antiquarian

32. Study of stars - Astronomy

33. A person who loves everyone - Altruist

34. Allowance due to a wife from husband on separation - Alimony

35. A government carried on through officers - Bureaucracy

36. A person who is unable to pay debts - Bankrupt

37. A man with narrow, prejudiced religious views - Bigot

38. A lover of books - Bibliophile

39. A bunch of flowers - Bouquet

40. A knife fixed on the end of a gun - Bayonet

41. A building where soldiers are lodged - Barrack

42. Factory for manufacturing beer - Brewery

43. Life of a person written by another - Biography

44. The state of being married to two persons at the same time - Bigamy

45. The study of physical life - Biology

46. A person who breaks into a house - Burglar

47. Speaking two languages - Bi-lingual

48. Engaged to be married - Betrothed

49. Wide road in a city, with trees on each side - Boulevard

50. The study and treatment of the medical condition of the heart - Cardiology

51. A heart specialist - Cardiologist

52. An expert in any field - Connoisseur

53. One who makes oneself feel at home in all countries - Cosmopolitan

54. A list of books - Catalogue

55. Easily believing others - Credulous

56. Insensible to kind thought - Callous

57. One who eats human flesh - Cannibal

58. One who lives on flesh - Carnivorous

59. One who is more than one hundred years old - Centenarian

60. One who introduces the performers in a variety of or game show - Compere

61. One who sells sweets - Confectioner

62. One who mends shoes - Cobbler

63. A place with gambling tables - Casino

64. A number of stars grouped together - Constellation

65. Goods which are brought into or taken out of a country secretly and illegally - Contraband

66. Dead body of a human being - Corpse

67. One vowed to unmarried life - Celibate

68. Smuggling of goods - Contraband

69. Soldiers on horses - Cavalry

70. A war of religions - Crusade

71. The art of beautiful handwriting - Calligraphy

72. One in charge of a museum, an art gallery, etc. - Curator

73. Want of rain - Drought

74. Difficult and perplexing situation - Dilemma

75. Government of, for and by the people - Democracy

76. The scientific study of the skin and its diseases - Dermatology

77. A doctor who studies and treats skin diseases - Dermatologist

78. One who is given to pleasures of eating, drinking etc. - Epicure

79. The concluding section or scene of a play - Epilogue

80. An inscription on a tomb - Epitaph

81. The art of effective speaking - Elocution The act of spying - Espionage

82. A speech of the dramatist at the end of the play - Epilogue

83. A poem of mourning - Elegy

84. A speech made without preparation - Extempore

85. That which can be eaten - Edible

86. A person who thinks only of himself - Egoist

87. A disease peculiar to a country - Endemic

88. One who relies only on experience and observation - Empiric

89. A long narrative poem about the deeds of great heroes - Epic

90. An inscription, especially one on a building or monument -Epigraph

91. To throw light on something difficult - Elucidate

92. Departure of many people at one time - Exodus

93. One who believes implicitly in fate - Fatalist

94. Fruit-eating animals - Frugivorous

95. A number of ships - Fleet

96. Killing of one's own brother - Fratricide

97. Animals of a certain region - Fauna

98. Plants and vegetation of a region - Flora

99. That which ends in death - Fatal

100. One who deceives others - Fraud

101. One who talks too much - Garrulous

102. An illness which causes the stomach and bowels to become swollen and painful – Gastroenteritis

103. Deliberate destruction of a race of people - Genocide

104. The study of rocks and soils - Geology

105. Science of the study of old age - Gerontology

106. A room for storing grains - Granary

107. Money paid to employees on retirement - Gratuity

108. One who acts against religion - Heretic

109. One who is sympathetic to mankind - Humanitarian

110. A cluster of houses in a village - Hamlet

111. Killing a man – Homicide

112. A place for the collection of dried plants - Herbarium

113. Language that has been used very much - Hackneyed

114. An exaggerated statement - Hyperbole

115. Animals living on plants - Herbivorous

116. Incapable of being corrected – Incorrigible

117. Liable to catch fire easily - inflammable

118. That which cannot be read - illegible

119. That which cannot be heard - inaudible

120. Prolonged inability to sleep - Insomnia

121. Unable to pay off one's debt - Insolvent

122. Soldiers on foot - Infantry

123. The period between two reigns - Interregnum

124. Free from infection - Immune

125. The house of an Eskimo – Igloo

126. One who breaks images - Iconoclast

127. One who cannot read and write - Illiterate

128. One who is not likely to commit mistakes - Infallible

129. Incapable of being conquered - Invincible

130. One who cannot be easily approached - Inaccessible

131. That which cannot be easily imitated - inimitable

132. Murder of an infant - Infanticide

133. That which cannot be changed - irrevocable

134. That which cannot be solved - Insoluble

135. A personal peculiarity of constitution or temperament - Idiosyncrasy

136. To insert passages in author's work - Interpolate

137. One who cannot be tired out - Indefatigable

138. A professional rider in horse races - Jockey

139. One who has an irresistible tendency to steal - Kleptomaniac

140. One who specialises in the study of languages - Linguist

141. One who compiles a dictionary - Lexicographer

142. A medicine that loosens the bowels - Laxative

143. That which can be read - Legible

144. Land belonging to a lord of nobleman - Manor

145. Murder of one's mother - Matricide

146. A rigid disciplinarian, especially in the army or navy - Martinet

147. Instrument for measuring gases - Manometer

148. A written record of a usually famous person's own life & experiences - Memoirs

149. An unnaturally great desire for power and control - Megalomania

150. A collection of wild animals kept privately to show to the public - Menagerie

151. A hater of mankind - Misanthrope

152. A hater of women/marriage - Misogynist

153. Animals that suck their young - Mammals

154. Rule by mob - Mobocracy

155. Place where ancient works are kept - Museum

156. Place where dead bodies are kept - Mortuary

157. Morning prayer in a church - Matins

158. Dull and uninteresting - Monotonous

159. Shortness of sight - Myopia

160. A person suffering from nervous breakdown - Neurotic

161. A medicine that induces sleep - Narcotic

162. Undue favour shown to relatives - Nepotism

163. One who looks at the bright side of things - Optimist

164. One who is present everywhere - Omnipresent

165. One who knows everything - Omniscient

166. One who is all-powerful - Omnipotent

167. One who is eighty years old - Octogenarian

168. One who cures eye-diseases - Oculist/Ophthalmologist

169. A place where orphans are housed - Orphanage

170. A study of birds - Ornithology Study of mountains - Orology

171. Government by a few - Oligarchy

172. Ceremony at which a person becomes a priest - Ordination

173. Correct spelling - Orthography

174. A word no longer in use - Obsolete

175. The state of being ruled by a constant idea - Obsession

176. Incapable of being seen through - Opaque

177. A poem addressed to someone or something - Ode

178. A comic imitation - Parody

179. Release of a prisoner for a limited time - Parole

180. Killing of one's own father - Patricide

181. One who looks at the dark side of things - Pessimist

182. One who loves mankind - Philanthropist

183. One that live on others - Parasite

184. One who goes on foot - Pedestrian

185. One who collect postage stamps - Philatelist

186. A cure for all diseases - Panacea

187. Examination of dead body - Post-mortem

188. Occurring after death - Posthumous

189. Study of the human mind - Psychology

190. Study of the nature and growth of languages - Philology

191. Study of ancient writing - Palaeography

192. One who speaks or uses several different languages - Polyglot

193. One who has more than one wife at a time - Polygamist

194. Speech by the dramatist at the beginning of the play - Prologue

195. That which can be easily carried - Portable

196. Commonplace remarks - Platitudes

197. Belief of God in Nature - Pantheism

198. Tendency to quarrel or fight - Pugnacity

199. A lady's umbrella - Parasol

200. A style in which a writer seeks to display his knowledge -Pedantic

201. Animals with four legs - Quadruped

202. A line of persons waiting - Queue

203. One who pretends to have special knowledge (esp. in medicine) - Quack

204. Four - sided courtyard surrounded by buildings - Quadrangle

205. Plane figure with four sides - Quadrilateral

206. Any of the four children born at one birth - Quadruplet

207. Soft, wet, marshy ground - Quagmire

208. Occurring once every three months - Quarterly

209. Written or printed list of questions to be answered by a number of people - Questionnaire

210. Four-lined stanza of a poem - Quatrain

211. 400th Anniversary - Quarter-Centenary

212. Landing place built for loading and unloading ships - Quay

213. A place for improving one's health - Resort

214. Killing one's king - Regicide

215. Too much official formality - Red-tapism

216. Voluntarily giving up something - Renunciation

217. One who gets pleasure in watching or inflicting cruelty - Sadist

218. Not concerned with spiritual or religious affairs - Secular

219. One who pays too respect to social position and wealth - Snob

220. One who carves in stones - Sculptor

221. One who walks in one's sleep – Somnambulist

222. One who talks in one's sleep - Somniloquist

223. An instrument for listening to the activities of the heart and lungs - Stethoscope

224. A council of clergymen - Synod

225. Violating religious things - Sacrilege

226. Killing oneself - Suicide

227. [That can travel] faster than the speed of sound - Supersonic

228. A speech made to oneself - Soliloquy

229. A person indifferent to pleasure and pain - Stoic

230. To take place at the same time as another event - Synchronize

231. Taking place at the same time - Simultaneously

232. A person's last utterance - Swansong

233. Capable of being seen through - Transparent

234. Of very little worth - Trivial

235. That which cannot be understood - Unintelligible

236. A decision on which all agree - Unanimous

237. Extremely fond on one's wife - Uxorious

238. An imaginary idea of a perfect society - Utopia

239. One given to sensual pleasures of the body - Voluptuary

240. One who offers one's services - Volunteer

241. Gifted with several talents - Versatile

242. A style full of words - Verbose

243. A place where people agree to meet - Venue

244. A person who has had a long experience in any field - Veteran

245. A man whose wife is dead - Widower

246. A woman whose husband is dead - Widow

247. A place where clothes are kept - Wardrobe

248. One who keeps the guard - Watchman

249. Process for producing photocopies without using wet materials -Xerox

250. Short-wave electromagnetic radiation enabling one to see into or through solids - X-ray

251. Musical instrument consisting of parallel pairs of different Lengths, which will produce different notes when stuck with Small wooden hammers - Xylophone

252. Light sailing boat built for racing - Yacht

253. Type of lock with revolving internal parts - Yale

254. Inhabitant (Native) of the U.S.A. - Yankee

255. Take a deep breath with the mouth wide open as when sleepy or bored - Yawn

256. Casual pronunciation of 'Yes' - Yeah

257. Infectious tropical disease causing the skin to turn yellow - Yellow-fever (Jaundice)

258. Round yellow part in the middle of the white of an egg - Yolk

259. The science of animal life - Zoology

260. A person who is extremely enthusiastic about religion, politics etc. - Zealot

261. African wild animal of the horse family with a body covered by black and white stripes - Zebra

262. Point in the heavens directly above an observer; Highest point of power - Zenith

263. Soft gentle breeze - Zephyr

264. One less than nothing - Zero

265. Turning right and left alternately at sharp angles - Zig — Zag

266. Place where living animals are kept - Zoo

267. Place where bread is made - Bakery

268. Place where films are made - Studio

269. Place where goods are made - Factory

270. Place where lather is made - Tannery

271. Place where coins are made - Mint

272. Place where ships are made - Dockyard

273. Place where aeroplanes are kept - Hangar

274. Place where bees are kept - Apiary

275. Place where birds are kept - Cage

276. Place where fishes are kept - aquarium

277. Place where curios are kept - Museum

278. Place where luggage in a railway station is kept – Cloakroom

279. Place where motor cars are kept - Garage

280. Place where weapons are kept - Arsenal

281. Fee offered but not claimed for professional services - Honorarium

282. A word spelt like another but with a different meaning or pronunciation - Homograph

283. Word that is the same in form and sound as another Meaning - Homonym

284. Annual income, especially that of a State or great institution, raised according to rules - Revenue

285. The art of using language effectively - Eloquence

286. Study of earth-quakes - Seismology

287. False reasoning or argument - Fallacy

288. The seeing of something that does not really exist - Illusion

289. The courage obtained by drinking spirits - Dutch-courage

290. Branch of literature concerned with stories, novels, romances etc., - Fiction

291. Wrong use of a name or word - Misnomer

292. Political leader who tries to win people's support by emotional and often unreasonable arguments - Demagogue

293. Person blamed or punished for the mistakes of another - Scapegoat

294. Person who starts a commercial enterprise, especially one involving financial risk - Entrepreneur

295. Position that requires no work or responsibility but gives the holder prestige or money - Sinecure

296. Set of instructions for preparing a food-dish, and the ingredients required - Recipe

297. A person in charge of a museum, an art gallery etc - Curator

298. Something written in a secret code - Cryptogram (Pass-word)

299. A public nursery where babies are looked after, while their parents are working - Creche

300. Bringing into or taking out of, country goods, contrary to the law - Contraband

301. Notice of a person's death, especially in a newspaper - Obituary

302. A covered passage, with stalls or shops on one or both sides - Arcade

303. Act of setting on fire another person's property intentionally and unlawfully - Arson

304. A place where people often meet - Rendezvous

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